****Running order available Monday 23 May - see you there!!****

What is a BioBlitz? “A BioBlitz is a celebration of biodiversity. It’s an event that focuses on finding and identifying as many species as possible in a specific area over a short period of time. Students, scientists, naturalists, and community members join together in these events to explore the natural world.” (NationalGeographicBioBlitzGuide.pdf)
It’s Flushing Art Week at the end of May and we will be hosting a 24 hour BioArtBlitz! at Sailors Creek incorporating the observation, recording, and identification of as many species across the creek and the land, in as many forms of media as possible. All our findings and responses will then be on display around the site for the rest of half term.
Activities might include:
Moth trap setting
Birdsong recording at dusk
Dawn Chorus walk
Moth release and identification
Birdsong interpretation and response
All day quadrant activities observing, responding, recording
Wildlife photography collaboration
Leaf litter sorting
Leaf collection animals
Budding Nature Walk by donation
Colourboxes trail and seagull assembling activity
Species identification with local experts
The Listening Passport
Bug Hotel and Solitary Bee House making…
With huge thanks to and support from representatives of:
buddingnature.co.uk // bto.org // cornwall-butterfly-conservation.org.uk // GenerationWild // cornwallwildlifetrust.org.uk //
Email us for more info: sailorscreekinfo@gmail.com or visit sailorscreekcic.org